
Showing posts from 2017


IPROPEX  POLITEKNIK TUANTU SYED SIRAJUDDIN JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK (JKE)  2017 1. SOLAR BICYCLE .  Introduction Solar Bicycle also know as solar e-solar e-bike is an electric bicycle with and electric motor which is driven by the use of power from then battery which is being charged using solar energy by solar  panels Photovoltaic (PV) cells contained is solar panels convert the sun’s energy directly into electric energy are used It also also user a dynamoto turn on the headlinghts They can can traval up to 15 to 20 miles per hour (24 to 32 km/h) Objective To develop a vechicle use renewable energy, environmentally friendly and cheap To develop an electrical bicycle that can charge the battery when it is not user To develop low speed bicycle, but for a longer distance  2. SYSTEM WITH SECURITY Introduction Now day,   mostly and article, newspaper or media social show about incident...


IPROPEX PTSS 2017 1. SYSTEM FOR HARUM MANIS                  Introduction Soil moisture detectin system for harum manis are rational position to detect land in dry or moist condition. Then given period set by user to a plant when the sensor detect there is less water contained in the soil. This process will continue until an optimum moisture level set by user is reached by using moisture level set user is reached by using moisture sensor and the Arduino UNO controller. We used Arduino Board (UNO) to read the output of/ the sensor moisture in the ground.                                                                                                   ...


MANUAL PENYEDIAAN PAPAN LITAR BERCETAK (PCB) PROSES ULTRA VIOLET TRANSFER HINGGA PROSES ETCHING PENDAHULUAN Manual ini disediakan untuk memberi panduan yang jelas kepada pelajar untuk menghasilkan PCB dengan menggunakan kaedah dan peralatan yang betul. Peneranganyang diberikandapatmembantupelajarmembuatpersiapansebelum menghasilkanPCB danprojekelektronikyang berasaskanpengawalmikrokerana pembangunannyamelibatkanpenggunaanperisiandanperalatankhascontohnya IC Programmer & Downloader. Pelajar perlu melaksanakan setiap arahan dan panduan seperti yang dinyatakan untuk memastikan projek yang dihasilkan berkualiti dan dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Penggunaan manual ini diharapkan dapatmemudahkan proses penyampaian P&P dan meningkatkan kualiti penghasilan projek pelajar bagi Kursus Projek. 1.  PROSES ULTRA VIOLET (UV) TRANSFER Lapisan pelindung pada Presensitized PCB Salah satu teknik yang boleh digunakan dalam penghasilan PCB ialah UV transfer....